Februari 28, 2016
One Direction "Drag Me Down" Lyrics
One Direction "Perfect" Lyrics
I like this original song and covering by KHS and GAC. GAC is very good, i'm fans of them =D
From the news, this song Harry Style sing to his girlfriends, Taylor Swift. Yes that all lyrics is about his loved Taylor Swift. But, the other member sing this song very good too.. so, what that lyrics? check this out ;)
Artist: One Direction
Album: Made in the A.M.
Released: 2015
Lyrics Perfect...
Gamal Audrey Cantika,
Kurt Hugo Schneider,
one direction,
Februari 20, 2016
Harris J 'Rasool' Allah' lyrics

I like this song too from Harris J.. Make me sing and call Rasulullah SAW ine very time... and this song tell us about Rasulullah SAW always showing the way that brighten up our life and hope we never leave that way to get the good life for now and until the end.
Artist: Harris J
Album : Salam
Released : 2015
That is the lyrics of Rasool Allah from Harris J ...
dwinda faradita,
Harris J,
Rasool' Allah,
Salam Alaikum
Februari 17, 2016
Harris J "Salam Alaikum" Lyrics

Hariis J, born in Chelsea, He is a young British Muslim. He is natural talent for singing was evident. When he in five years old, he began singing and performing in public, at school recitals and multi-faith gatherings. His mastery of classical Arabic recitation with tones and vocal techniques of Irish folk music create a distinctly rich blend of artistic talent. wow.. (cek his site in here)
Thanks Harris J. you'r great boy, I like much much much... and I said for you and all, "Assalamu Alaikum"
Artist: Harris J
Album : Salam
Released : 2015
Directed : Mike Harris
This is song lyrics... check
dwinda faradita,
Harris J,
Salam Alaikum
Februari 12, 2016
Girls' Generation 'The Boys' (Englisch Version) Lyrics
Release date: October 19, 2011
Artist: Girls' Generation
Label: S.M. Entertainment
Genre: K-pop, Dance-pop, Synthpop
Keep give us the power of girls =D =D
Artis Korea,
dwinda faradita,
Girls' Generation,
Power Music,
Fatin Sidqia Lubis 'Away' Lyrics

Hi, You all know this people.. Yups Fatin Sidqia, she same almamater with me (SMAN 97 JKT) HAHAHA. But we don't know each other, coz she started school when i'm finished in. XP
And this is her fisrt Englisch language song and used to soundtrack her debut film. I like this song and the lyrics. hihii
Singer : Fatin Sidqia
Song : Away (Ost Dreams)
Album : Dreams - 2016
Here is lyrics 'Away' by Fatin Sidqia....
dwinda faradita,
fatin shidqia,
Februari 10, 2016
Hasil Design (Hari Besar: Bln Februari)
dwinda faradita,
Hari Gizi,
Hari Pers Nasional,
HUT Kavaleri TNI AD,
HUT Kota Balikpapan,
HUT Kota Parepare,
HUT Kota Surakarta,
HUT Kota Tangerang,
HUT Kota Tomohon,
HUT Masjid Istiqlal
Cara menggunakan Google URL Shortener
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Februari 09, 2016
Google URL Shortener
Hi, di artikel ini saya akan bahasa tentang Google URL Shortener
Apa itu Google URL Shortener?
Google URL Shortener adalah salah satu fasilitas dari Google yang dapat merubah URL panjang kamu menjadi lebih singkat dengan cara memendekan URL tersebut. Misalnya, link panjang: http://dwinda-on.blogspot.co.id/2015/08/vocabulary-from-american-english.html dengan fasilitas ini url tersebut jadi link pendek: http://goo.gl/TZVfYi . Coba teman-teman cek kedua link ini, pasti sama isinya.
Selain itu, fasilitas Google URL Shortener juga dapat menjaga privasi sebuah situs agar tidak terlisting atau biasanya halaman tersebut hanya diperuntukan untuk para membernya saja, seperti halaman berisi link download, file data, dan sebagainya.
Kenapa sih URL asli (yang panjang) jadi dipendekkan ?
Apa itu Google URL Shortener?
Google URL Shortener adalah salah satu fasilitas dari Google yang dapat merubah URL panjang kamu menjadi lebih singkat dengan cara memendekan URL tersebut. Misalnya, link panjang: http://dwinda-on.blogspot.co.id/2015/08/vocabulary-from-american-english.html dengan fasilitas ini url tersebut jadi link pendek: http://goo.gl/TZVfYi . Coba teman-teman cek kedua link ini, pasti sama isinya.
Selain itu, fasilitas Google URL Shortener juga dapat menjaga privasi sebuah situs agar tidak terlisting atau biasanya halaman tersebut hanya diperuntukan untuk para membernya saja, seperti halaman berisi link download, file data, dan sebagainya.
Kenapa sih URL asli (yang panjang) jadi dipendekkan ?
Februari 08, 2016
Taeyeon " I " lyrics

Release date: October 7, 2015
Singer : Taeyeon feat Verbal Jint
Label : S.M. Entertainment
Producers : Lee Soo-man
Genre : Ballad
Februari 07, 2016
Jenis Bahan Pakaian
intro: Hi Dear, sorry for long time no post... i'm very busy in job =D
So now, i want to post Type of fabric. but, in Indonesia language =)

If I want buy cloth in online shop, the saler give us information about the fabric. But, I dont know what that? so, i get this information from minimelsfashion.tumblr.com. and i write again in my blog to my notes.. and thanks minimelsfashion for this information. ^^
That type of fabric: Sifon, Twiscone, Hycon, Spandex kaos, Spandex super, spandex Rayon, Spandex korea, Katun/cotton, Katun stretch, katun bangkok, Kaos, kaos combed / katun combed, kaos tebal, Babyterry / Bebitery, Wedges, Woof crepes japan, Silk,cotton silk,katun sutera, Jeans, Soft jeans, katun denim, denim chambrey, Brukat/Brocade, Lace, Renda, Paragon, Woolpeach, Cashmere, Canvas, Wool, Katun rayon, Peach sofie, and Serena.
Here is ...
So now, i want to post Type of fabric. but, in Indonesia language =)
If I want buy cloth in online shop, the saler give us information about the fabric. But, I dont know what that? so, i get this information from minimelsfashion.tumblr.com. and i write again in my blog to my notes.. and thanks minimelsfashion for this information. ^^
That type of fabric: Sifon, Twiscone, Hycon, Spandex kaos, Spandex super, spandex Rayon, Spandex korea, Katun/cotton, Katun stretch, katun bangkok, Kaos, kaos combed / katun combed, kaos tebal, Babyterry / Bebitery, Wedges, Woof crepes japan, Silk,cotton silk,katun sutera, Jeans, Soft jeans, katun denim, denim chambrey, Brukat/Brocade, Lace, Renda, Paragon, Woolpeach, Cashmere, Canvas, Wool, Katun rayon, Peach sofie, and Serena.
Here is ...
dwinda faradita,
Peach sofie,
Review Fashion,
Postingan (Atom)