November 29, 2017

The Zero Conditional

Use the zero conditional to talk about things that are Always or Usually True.
e.g. Scientific fact or habits. Or you can also use the first conditional to Give Intructions or Advice:

If you heat ice, it melts. [Scientific fact]
If I'm late, my dad drives me to school. [habit]
If you see him, tell him to call me. [intruction]
If you go skiing, dress warm. [advice]

'If' + Present Simple (,) Present Simple

If I don't have homework, we can go camping every weekend.
We go camping weekend if I don't have homework.
**The 'If' clause can come second, but you don't need a comma (,)

ZERO vs. FIRST Conditional

==> Zero conditional -> talks about things that are always true
==> First conditional -> talks about one event in the future. Hanya terjadi sekali

If I don't have homework, we go camping on the weekends. [always true]
If it rains tomorrow, we will not go. [True only for tomorrow]


We can use determiners to tell us about numbers of things or people.


  • All= 100% of the people/things
  • Ex. All the locals are very pround of their museum


  • Most = above 50%
  • Most local people are prepared for bad weather


  • More = a higher number than something else (perbandingan)
  • More trains run in London than in Glasgow


  • None = zero 0%
  • None of the subways go directly to the museum

Museum Wayang

Museum Wayang terletak di Jl. Pintu Besar Utara No.23, RT.7/RW.7, Pinangsia, Tamansari, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11110
Museum ini buka dari jam 08.00 s/d 17.00 WIB.

Untuk menuju lokasi ini, kita dapat menggunakan Bus Transjakarta atau KRL arah ke Kota. Letaknya di Kota Tua (sebelah kiri Gedung Fatahillah)

Sejarah Gedung

Museum Wayang diresmikan oleh Gubernur Ali Sadikin pada tanggal 13 Agustus 1975. Sebelumnya gedung ini adaah Museum Batavia yang dibuka pada tahun 1939 oleh Gubernur Jendral Belanda terakhir, yaitu Tjarda Van Stakenborgh Stachouwer.

Bagian depan museum, dibangun pada tahun 1912 dengan gaya Neo Renaissance dan pada tahun 1938 seluruh bagian gedung ini dipugar dan disesuaikan dengan gaya rumah Belanda pada zaman kompeni.